A Lifetime of Love

Blog Post / Wednesday, February 7th, 2018


Psalm 103:8-10 NIV

“The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love. He will not always accuse, nor will he harbor his anger forever; he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities.”

As Valentine’s Day is approaching, I can’t help but think about the men and women who have been wounded by their significant other. This day is generally set apart for all those who are in love. We go out to dinner, purchase flowers, a box of chocolate and give meaningful gifts. We write our letters, send our texts and we take the time to choose the perfect card, one that describes our hearts. Yet, in the midst of all this, there are some who will struggle to enjoy this special day.

When you get married or enter into a relationship, you have the intention to remain committed to the one you’re with. You never aim to cause harm but when temptation comes and sin abounds, the love you have can be tested. The topic of “Cheating” is a sensitive area within the body of Christ. You’re not going to hear much about it on the pulpit but it’s one of the many topics that need to be discussed.


From my observation, there are 4 Categories:

1). Those who have cheated (can attest to the process of finding healing and gaining full restoration)

2). Those who are cheating (can understand the weight of hiding secrets and carrying shame)

3). Those who will cheat (are left unaware and presently not prepared to combat future temptations)

4). Those who will never cheat (have been shielded by the grace of God)


In any relationship, be it married, courting or dating, no one outside of your relationship should be given any room to impact the bond that you both have. However, if you do find yourself in one of the 4 categories, the scripture above can help give you a better perspective.

Cheating can happen because of various reasons. Your partner may not feel supported or understood. They may feel unfulfilled and could be looking for variation. They might be angry or envious and choose to selfishly act out. They were not properly taught how to be disciplined and hold true to their Godly convictions. Most of all, they’re hurt and want instant relief. We, in the body of Christ, can’t become so comfortable to the point that we think that this doesn’t affect us as a whole. Cheating happens to Christians and we can’t turn a blind eye to what is occurring within our society and among our brothers and sisters in Christ. We stand together and must restore what’s been broken. Romans 12:15 NIV states “Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn”…..let’s not leave those who are dealing with this behind to fend for themselves! Let’s begin to teach them what is right, true, pure and falls in line with the word of God.


For those who are married:

Understand that in the face of betrayal you can still love as God loves. You might be in pain right now but a heart full of forgiveness is a powerful tool. You might say “Why did this have to be a part of my story?”, “Why did it have to be my spouse?”, “What am I supposed to do with all these broken pieces?” Well, that’s when you pray and ask God for peace. Ask for mental and emotional rest. Ask for your soul to be aligned with your spirit. Believe that your Heavenly Father can breathe His breath of life into the most lifeless situation and turn everything around for your good. You might not want anything to do with your spouse at this point in time but, there is no greater insult to the enemy than to take the attack in which he bestowed upon you and flip it right back around unto Him, all the while, giving God the glory! So, if the spouse who has bruised you has asked for your forgiveness, understanding the pain they have caused and the trust that must be regained over time, then my dear brother and sister, you have the opportunity to operate in a love that God demonstrates to us each and every day. Get counseling and have the necessary discussions to bring both understanding and healing. However, if the spouse who cheated has no remorse, get before God and ask Him for your next steps. He’ll give you the revelation. Include Him! The Bible states in James 1:5 NLT “If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you, He will not rebuke you for asking.”


For those who are Courting & those who choose to Date:

You have time and the ability to measure out all of the things you want in a relationship. If you don’t find that the person you’re with values you as a whole then move on. Don’t stick around to be cheated on again and again. Don’t stay because you want to take pictures and fake happiness. Use wisdom and discernment in choosing whom you’re with because you can find yourself in a world of pain if you pursue someone who just wants you physically. If you’re courting, you’re doing it with the intent to marry, so if that person messes up and there is true repentance, then forgive, love and move on together. If not, then cut ties with them….severe the cord!

So this upcoming Valentine’s Day, in whatever state you find your marriage and relationship in, choose not to let the enemy torment you because your situation is not perfect. God is masterful and He makes room for even the unexpected, so trust Him. God has you and will keep you! You carry God’s Spirit within you and He will give you the strength to overcome.


Let love abound. Your grace be multiplied and your heart begin to be mended.

Be Encouraged and Thank you for visiting my Blog!!

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